Our purpose in creating this installation is to put a spotlight on the reality of the impending dangers of significant loss of species and biodiversity, and by inference, the dangers looming over our biosphere. The human-caused environmental change has already brought about not just the loss of biodiversity, but also the climate change, the rise of oceans, the loss of habitable land for the endangered species, the wildfires, the floods, the mass emigration, and pandemics – all due to the extreme politics, economic demands, unwise and inconsistent policies, and international conflicts raging around the world.
By involving many artists, including school children wishing to make drawings expressing animals and plants that are caught in the “fishnet” of human design, it is our wish that this message will be carried to wider audiences so our work can join global efforts to regain the health of our fragile biosphere. We offer this installation as an invitation to reflect on the losses our planet has suffered, what role we have had in this, and how we might work to change the current path.
The installation uses a large fishing net suspended from the ceiling. Many drawings depicting impressions of plant and animal species will be “captured” in the net. Visitors will walk through and around the net and other components of the installation, creating an experiential environment to consider issues related to species decline and environmental issues. We will invite artists, including school children, from around the world to submit artworks on 6×6 inch white paper. This will lead to a broad, diverse engagement with the issues presented. The artworks on paper will be attached to the netting. Additional artworks by members of the Blue Marble Collective would be displayed on surrounding walls. Video projections on the netting installation and perimeter wall will enhance the environmental feel of the installation.
Impending Storms, will put a spotlight on the reality of the impending dangers of significant loss of species and biodiversity, and by inference, the dangers looming over our biosphere.