Artist Books – Venus In Transit

Monument SeriesVenus In Transit

Contemplating the wonder of the universe and something I will not see again in my lifetime.

NEW YORK – It’s something no one alive today will likely ever see again: The planet Venus crossing the sun — a small, black dot moving across the fiery face of our nearest star.

The transit of Venus across the sun is one of the rarest celestial sights visible from Earth, one that wowed scientists and amateur observers around the world Tuesday (June 5). The event, arguably the most anticipated skywatching display of the year, marked the last time Venus will cross the sun (as seen from Earth) for 105 years.

Only seven Venus transits have been witnessed since the invention of the telescope 400 years ago, and you’d have a long wait for the next one. It won’t happen again until Dec. 11, 2117.